Saturday, March 29, 2008

MLS kick off weekend!

Top ten rejected MLS slogans for 2008

10) "MLS fever, catch it like a case of herpes!"
9) "MLS, no we're not a house listing service!"
8) "MLS, now with more Argentineans!"
7) "MLS, the one thing we can't pay Mexicans (except Blanco) to do for us!"
6) "MLS, Shep Messing is a douchebag, but the veal is delicious"
5) "Major League Soccer, fuck college basketball!"
4) "MLS, it's something to watch...on TV...please."
3) "MLS, ask your kids, old man."
2) "MLS, hey we got an English guy who sounds like a girl."

and the number 1 rejected slogan:

"MLS, when you think about diversification and expansion of ownership, expansion of the league, the formation of Soccer United Marketing [and] the designated player, those are four things we look at as the drivers of the position that we have grown to today as opposed to where we were even just a couple of years ago...oh, and Drew Carey likes us."


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