Friday, April 25, 2008

No Becks for Iran, says Galaxy

The Iranian Football Federation claims the Los Angeles Galaxy requested a friendly with the current Enemy#1's national team to be played in America this June. But the Galaxy deny that a request was ever made.

As reported in the Fars News Agency, described on their web site as "Iran's leading independent news agency," IFF international relations official Hassan Ghaffari told fans, "A friendly encounter against L.A. Galaxy is scheduled to take place in June 2008, once the IFF receives an official invitation from the US [Soccer] Federation."

Well, don't bother checking your mail for the invite, Hassan. It's not coming.

An unnamed Galaxy official said, "The Galaxy has no plans to play Iran anytime in the near future. It is very rare for the Galaxy to play any national team. The Galaxy likes to play top-tier friendly matches against other clubs and let the US national team play the friendlies against other national teams."

So much for Beckham bringing world peace.


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